Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.
Before Signing Up
How do I know this exercise community is right for me?
AgeProof Your Body is more than your average exercise class–it’s meant to be an experience and a community that empowers you to live your best life. Our enthusiastic expert instructors present multiple levels for each exercise so you can find the safest and most appropriate challenge for you. With live in-class feedback and optional after-class support, we want to make your health goals a reality.
Who and what age are most of the members?
AgeProof Your Body participants are people anywhere from 60-90 years old who care about their health. There are plenty of participants outside of that age range as well, like a 33-year-old looking for new ways to exercise at home or a 55-year-old looking to get back in shape. And yes, there are quite a few participants over 90 who will inspire and motivate you to keep moving strong and working hard!
Can I purchase a membership for my parents?
Absolutely! The origin of this class was inspired by keeping our parents and grandparents moving healthy and living happy. Simply enter your parents’ information in the sign up process and leave a note at the bottom of the form indicating this is a gift. We are excited to work with your parents and appreciate your trust in taking great care of them and helping them move their bodies better.
How does monthly membership work?
Payment is processed upon sign up and automatically renew on a monthly basis. You are able to cancel at any time without penalty.
Can I purchase individual classes?
Classes are not available for individual purchases. Each class builds on each other and our focus is on helping our participants move their best throughout their lives.
Can I Use My Medicare Benefits?
Medicare is not currently covering costs for AgeProof Your Body. However, if your Medicare plan offers PeerFit, you can actively sign up through your PeerFit Benefits.
Preparing for Class
Do I need fancy technology?
For live classes, all you need to do is download Zoom on your mobile device. If you already have it, great! If you don’t, here is a link to download Zoom. We strongly suggest using a mobile device like a phone, tablet, or laptop so you can position the camera appropriately in an open area at home like a living room. Before class, we will email you a private link to click. For recorded classes, all you need is a computer or mobile device with an internet connection to play the videos!
What equipment will I need?
Definitely a chair, and depending on the type of floor you have, a carpet or yoga mat may come in handy. It’s important to have a non-slip surface to stand on, as well as a softer surface to kneel or lay down on. We also recommend having a water bottle and dressing in comfortable athletic-type clothing. At times, we may incorporate things like resistance bands or weights, but they are not required to be successful in each class.
Can my partner also participate?
If you are at home with someone who would also like to participate, they are welcome to join you. We do ask that you specify this in the sign up form so we can send them a waiver as well. If any of your friends or family members who live elsewhere would like to become a member too, feel free to share this website to them so they can join as well! We are always happy to welcome more people to the AgeProof Your Body community.
During Live Classes
What if I have technical problems during live classes?
No problem! Our team will do everything possible to ensure you are properly setup to view live classes. We will send out detailed instructions for you and are happy to set up a one-on-one session to test your technology a few days beforehand. Our support line can be contacted for any issues. If for some reason you still cannot access the course, we post private recordings of the class on our members-only video page after the class is complete!
Will you be able to see or hear me during the class?
Preferably, yes. But this is your choice! You can choose whether to turn your video on or not. If we can see you, our expert instructors can cheer you on and offer any individualized feedback as well. However, to prevent excessive background noise, everyone’s microphone will be muted. You can still ask questions (to the whole group or private) in the live chat feature within the Zoom class. No participants will be recorded during the class.
When are the live classes and what are they about?
You can view the complete live class schedule here. You can also learn more about your instructors here. Remember, if you cannot attend the class in live time, private recordings will be available for viewing after each class. These recordings can be played anytime and for an unlimited number of times at your leisure. It’s not unusual for members to play a few different exercise videos to get in some great workouts during the week.
After Class
What if I want to set up private sessions or telehealth care?
Our AgeProof Your Body team has you covered. One of the many reasons why this community is so special is because as a member, you always have access to a team of experts. We will always be available to answer your questions before/after class or to set up private sessions at any time. Members and participants have immediate access to private telehealth sessions, coaching, or accountability tracking every month.
I’m worried if I am ready for this… will I be sore afterwards?
Don’t be discouraged! It is normal to be sore after an AgeProof Your Body class–it’s a sign that you did great work! As a general rule of thumb, light soreness that lasts between 24-48hrs is a good sign of developing muscle strength. Soreness that lasts beyond that probably means that during the next class, you should perform the lighter exercise levels or decrease your number of sets or reps. This will keep you going strong!
What should I be doing in between classes?
We like to say that AgeProof Your Body is truly a lifestyle. After a class is when the real work begins! Our hope is that you leave each class feeling inspired, informed, and motivated to change your habits or routines–whether that’s squatting down to pick up a suitcase with great form, lifting and moving a kitchen chair with proper mechanics, or simply moving more throughout the day. This way, you will see faster progress towards your goals.
And lastly, what is MovementX and NVFP?
MovementX is the safest and easiest way to see a trusted physical therapist via telehealth, in-home, or outdoor care so you can keep living your healthiest and best life. Two years ago, we proudly teamed up with Northern Virginia Family Practice (NVFP) to launch the AgeProof Your Body series in an effort to help active older adults move their best so they can live their best. Together, our team of professionals is here to ensure you have a transformative experience.
Balancing on one leg for more than 20 seconds is indicative of a healthy brain. Source